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Dino News

Australovenator: Australia’s Own Raptor

Hey kids! Have you ever heard about a dinosaur that roamed Australia around 95 million years ago? Meet the Australovenator! This amazing predator lived during the Late Cretaceous period and is often nicknamed “Australia’s raptor.” Let’s dive into the fascinating world of the Australovenator and discover what makes it so cool. What Did Australovenator Look…

Meet Spinosaurus: The Ultimate River Monster!

Imagine the coolest dinosaur with a big sail on its back that loves water. That’s Spinosaurus, one of the most fascinating dinosaurs that ever roamed the Earth. What Was Spinosaurus Like? Spinosaurus was a giant dinosaur that lived about 100 million years ago during the Cretaceous period. It could grow up to 15 metres long—that’s…

Stegosaurus: The Dino with the Dazzling Plates

G’day junior paleontologists, Today, let’s dive in and meet one of the most jaw-dropping dinosaurs ever – the Stegosaurus! This dino’s name means “roofed lizard” because of the unique plates on its back. The Stegosaurus (STEG-oh-SAWR-us) lived around 155 to 150 million years ago during the Late Jurassic period. It could grow up to 30…

Triceratops: The Amazing Three-Horned Dinosaur

G’day, Dino Fans, today, we’re going to travel back in time to learn about one of the most interesting dinosaurs ever: the Triceratops! Get ready to discover some fun facts about this incredible plant-eater from the Late Cretaceous Period. Triceratops: The Three-Horned Wonder The Triceratops was a remarkable dinosaur with three horns on its face—two…

The Tyrannosaurus Rex: King of the Dinosaurs

Meet the T. rex: The King of Dinosaurs! Hey kids, have you ever heard of the T. rex?  This awesome dinosaur is known as the “king of the dinosaurs” and for good reason! It ruled the Earth about 66 million years ago during the Late Cretaceous period. Let’s dive into some cool facts about this…